Monday, 10 February 2014

Watch your tongue!!!

hello dear readers... :-)

I am sure it's not too late to say "Happy New Year" seeing the last time I wrote was last
year... ;-)My hope is you all have started 2014 well, on purposeful expectations, and keeping the hope going... :-)

At the beginning of this year, I constantly heard a statement going around that goes like this: "January is such a tough month, we are just everyone's just going by..." Truth be told, it is a statement that is so
popularly used in the month of January, after all the festivity spending and then January suddenly seems to have more hours to each day approaching the end of it... :-o I had never though seriously about it before, like I have this year.

As I was praying about 2014, I clearly heard the Lord mention that 2014 is blessed... :-) And so I trusted Him, and begun 2014 with a clear expectation and understanding of the declaration the Lord has made over it... :-) So when I heard speak about January in that manner, I was alarmed... :-o

The first question I asked myself was this: "Why would someone speak so negatively about the beginning of their year in that way?" Listen to what Scripture says: Proverbs 18:21 says: "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."

Did you know you have the power to create or kill just by your words??? :-o The Lord created us in His image and did God CREATE? from Genesis 1:3 clearly illustrates how God created by HIS WORD... :-) The Proverbs 18:21 verse mentions that "...those who LOVE IT, will eat
its fruit." meaning, if you love to speak good things, then good things are what will come forth, but if you love (or have the habit of) speaking 'bad' things, then I guess by now you know what's coming...

Here's the thing: I know some situations are hard, (don't get me wrong), buuuuut, would you rather dwell in that situation, or find joy in THRIVING WHILE IN THAT SITUATION? :-) While some unfortunately year after year fail to plan wisely for the coming year as they spend in merry over the Decemeber holiday, truth be told, you have nobody to blame when the chips roll in January, and you realize you have not much to spend on, while needs are glaring at you-but YOURSELF!!! :-( Try
planning this yaer, only a fool (no pan intended), spends all he has and leaves nothing for the days to come... :-( YIKES!!! So cut January some slack... :-( God didn't curse the month to be a month of no
reservoir... :-) He blessed it, just like He has all the other months, and only those who choose to speak "good" into it, will eat of its fruit... :-) Try it some time... :-) The minute I got that revelation, I
spoke into my January, and I am happy to report to you that this year's January has by far been MY BEST January of all!!! :-)

Some other statements that have really caught my attention are these two: First off: "All men are dogs!" Now, this one I have heard from many ladies, who have (honestly) either been directly hurt by a particular, or, (unfortunately), several guys, or has witnessed or heard from her girlfriends of their experiences with men who have hurt them. For such ladies I have this question for you: "Do you really think that if your perspective of  'all' men is like that, are exposing yourself to a ray of hope that there could be just one man who defies all that the others in your past have done? :-( I, persoanally have been offended and hurt by guys, with my heart broken and taken for garented, but NOT ONCE have I lost hope in that one guy that God has for me, who is worth me... ;-) Iencourage you too, to be encouraged that there is someone just created for you, and you for him... :-) And God did not make, nor call no human being a "dog"... :-) so who are we to give others such names??? :-o :-(

The second statement that literally breaks my heart so many times in my country is this one: "Kenya will never change, everyone is corrupt..." That always agitates me!!! :-( Why? You ask? Here's why: Because no country was ever founded to be corrupt!!! :-o Corruption starts with one person, and another adopts it, and the chain reaction goes on... :-( But I still beleive that there is hope for a corruption-free Kenya, and Kenya needs someone to believe in that, speak that, and hope in that... :'( And also practise no-corruption... ;-)

All in all, you can call me an optimist, or hopeful person, but I believe what the Bible says about my tongue... :-) And I choose to speak "hope" and "good" in all situations, because there is power in words spoken!!! :-) I would not want to hate January, I would not want to lose hope in falling in love and being with the man that God has me for, and for the love I have for Kenya, I do not want to speak hopelessness... :-) So I choose to be different, and speak "GOOD" all the time... :-) with the help of Jesus, I can do all things by His strength... :-) and on an end note: the world needs to see faith in action for them to believe... :-) To all Christians, this is for you: Speak life, to give hope to dead and hopeless situations... ;-)

Speak life people... :-)

Be blessed by Toby Mac's "Speak Life" 

Until I write again,

In His service
-BumbleBee Me... :-)

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