Monday 31 December 2012

Introduction... :)

hi readers!!! :) welcome to Missionary Stories blog... :) I have been wanting to do this for such a long time, but didn't... :-( but here I am, really excited to do this, and grow in it. My intention is to inspire you readers through my life experiences, through what God teaches me and hope you will be blessed and transformed... :) and share your as well... :) we serve a mighty God!!! :)

I am a born-again Christian, for the past eight years...and still growing and learning lots!!! :) The reason for the name "Missionary Story" is because I love mission work, and a wise friend of mine from Minnesota recently reminded me that being a missionary does not mean travelling all over the is the daily places God puts us in, calling us to apply righteousness and witness to all around us who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, by our lives and words... :)

The reason for doing all this, is to fulfill the Great Commission that Christ gave us in Matthew 28:16-20. I don't know about you, but I am in love with the work of Christ... :) serving others and telling them about Him in speech and deeds... :) so I raise my hands, bow my knees and humbly ask the Lord to help me be a missionary in my day-to-day life... :) and like the famous song says: "For the sake, of the cross, I am laying down my all..."

I know it sounds easier said than done, but with the help of the Spirit of God, He enables us to do God's will... :) and because I love worship music as well, I will always post a song on my blog posts, just so that we have good music to rely on, and have a reason to log on to Youtube... :)

Here's today's song: Have a listen... :) God bless you!!! :) and happy 2013... :)